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Social Entrepreneurship for Young Unemployed (SOVET)

Social Entrepreneurship for Young Unemployed (SOVET)

  • Training and Workshop as non formal education for social inclusionBook
  • Human Rights and Social InclusionBook
Background information

The development of the curriculum for Young Social Entrepreneurs, based on ECVET principles, aims to:

  • foster their entrepreneurial motivation, skills and mindset.
  • raise the learners’ awareness of the various aspects of starting up and running a successful business and social enterprise - legal, financial, managerial, leadership, marketing, etc.
  • provide a comprehensive online learning environment combining theory, practice, online coaching from experienced trainers and mentors, active networking with peers and opportunity to attract potential investors;
  • The inspiring experiential learning journey will be based around tasks, missions and challenges, through which – enabled by the game elements of the platform– the users will develop the basic knowledge, skills and mindset, required to become social entrepreneurs.

    • The main topics covered through this course are:

      • The concepts of social entrepreneurship and social innovation
      • Social issues, unmet needs and opportunities
      • How to realize social projects
      • Legal framework, management and administration of the entity
      • Creating a business model
      • Marketing and communication strategies
      • Fundraising and attracting investors
      • Business plan preparation
      • Networking, management and human resources
      • How to assess impact, ensure sustainability and growth


The educational material has been developed by project partners in the frame of the ERASMUS+ project “SO VET – Social Entrepreneurship as an Alternative for Young Unemployed”.


The educational material has been developed by project partners in the frame of the ERASMUS+ project “SO VET – Social Entrepreneurship as an Alternative for Young Unemployed”.