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WE Online Knowledge Hub

WE Online Knowledge Hub

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Project N°: 2022-1-LV01-KA220-ADU-000087786

This material has been developed by the WE: REAL WORLD EDUCATION TO FOSTER ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS partnership.

WE Partners

The main focus is on the development of green skills of low skilled adults both at a professional and personal level. An educational curriculum and training modules will be provided that will increase the teaching skills of Adult Education trainers on Environmental Awareness, Climate Change, Sustainable Development, and SDGs. Adult Education trainers will be equipped with knowledge and skills on teaching low skilled adults, promoting more environmentally friendly lifestyles and encouraging communities to manage their local environments in sustainable ways, and making sustainable choices in their personal and professional lives.

Main Targets
  • Identifying adult learning needs as well as opportunities and good practices on Environmental Awareness and ESD Adult Education
  • Developing an innovative, inclusive and flexible pedagogical approach for promoting the skills of Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Development and SDGs in Adult Education, for Adult Education trainers and adult NEETs
  • Creating an online learning space for the improvement of knowledge and the development of transversal skills in the Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Development of Adult Education trainers and Adult NEETs
  • Equipping Adult NEETs with soft green skills and information on how to make sustainable choices in their personal and professional lives


This course aims to produce an inclusive learning environment that will increase the green skills of adult education trainers and low-skilled adults and hosts these interactive training modules:

  1. Green skills to develop the imitation and adaptation for encountering climate change challenges
  2. Understanding SDGs and their potential for improving society and communities
  3. Relate emotional complexity on one’s own identity and responsibility for climate change
  4. Assess the influence of individual lifestyle choices on our social and ecological development
  5. Exploring a sustainability issue by identifying trends in the family or local community
  6. Knowledge and skills which reduce the negative impact of human activity on the environment
  7. Collective action & Individual Initiative
  8. Types of jobs that require a good knowledge of SDGs and green skills
  9. Practical tips on having a positive impact on the environment
  10. Overcoming Misconceptions on environmental issues


The project aims to raise the environmental awareness of low-skilled adults and encourage them to engage in environmentally responsible practices and operations, through increasing their competencies and skills, and knowledge in sustainable development and climate change. Through the WE Knowledge Hub innovative learning approaches for Adult Education will be adopted by trainers and low skilled adults while learning material focused on environmental awareness of low skilled adults and NEETs will be developed.

Target Groups

Adult Education Trainers and low skilled Adults, such as Adult NEETs or economically and socially vulnerable Adults, are the beneficiaries and attendees of the WE course, as there is a wider need for Adult Education Centers at an EU level and Adult NEETs are the ones that have the lowest participation rates in Adult Learning and Education.


The WE Curriculum on Environmental Awareness and Sustainable Development in Adult Education will be an inclusive training curriculum for low-skilled adults, to foster their environmental awareness, sustainable development and SDGs knowledge. Within its 10 modules, the WE Curriculum will be focusing on analyzing the main factors to strengthen Adult Sustainable Development education in response to climate change.

Evaluation methods

At the end of every module in WE course there will be an evaluation quiz with questions based on the module’s content with a success score of 80% to proceed to the next one. Various exercises within the module content will also exist for the testing of the acquired knowledge but they will not count for the evaluation of the module accomplishment.


There will be a certificate of completion for every user that finishes the accomplishment of all modules after they achieve a successful grade (80%) in the evaluation quiz of every module.