ProBm2 - Understanding and Developing Business Models in the Globalisation Era
ProBm2 - Understanding and Developing Business Models in the Globalisation Era

ProBm2 - Understanding and Developing Business Models in the Globalisation Era
Each year, more and more enterprises are established, but less than 40% of them manage to survive the first 5 years. The main problem is that many entrepreneurs-to-be do not value the power of business models and seem not to pay enough attention to this stage of a company creation. If you are an entrepreneur, an entrepreneur-to-be, an adult educator or simply a person interested in the topic of business models, the ProBM2 project is for you.
The main objective of the ProBM 2 project is to improve the skills and knowledge of adult educators and training providers in teaching business models. The acquired knowledge and skills will directly contribute to the design of a well-prepared and appropriate business model and its use by the project beneficiaries in their enterprises.
The ProBM2 E-learning platform with training content will be an educational e-platform supporting these activities:
- learning and practicing on how to teach business models,
- sharing of information on business models development.
The platform permits the online delivery of training course within the topic how to teach business models. Moreover, it allows learners to carry out practical exercises and self-evaluation and supplies a bank of evaluation tests for assessing users' knowledge and skills. A sharing virtual space, embedded within the e-platform, allows users to bring together best practices and experiences in teaching or in creating BM, sharing this information through the e-platform's communication tools.
- Adult educators willing to teach business models
- Training providers
- Adults who wish to extend their knowledge on business models, including entrepreneurs and other adults planning to establish own enterprise